Callsign: | |
MMSI-nummer: | 316044568 |
Fartøytype: | Pleasure (37) |
Sted: | 48°40.61' N 123°24.79' W - lokator CN88HQ02JK - vis på kart 15.1 miles sydøst peiling 119° fra Duncan, British Columbia, Canada [?] 16.2 miles nord peiling 15° fra Langford, British Columbia, Canada 41.7 miles syd peiling 199° fra Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 89.1 miles nordvest peiling 326° fra Seattle, King County, Washington, United States |
Siste posisjon: | 2025-01-02 20:08:28 EST (36d 4h18m siden) 2025-01-02 17:08:28 PST lokaltid i/på Duncan, Canada [?] |
Kurs: | 57° – styrt kurs 511° |
Hastighet: | 1 MPH |
Siste rute: | >ais via VE7KA |
Posisjoner lagret: | 175 |
kallesignal | avstand | sist hørt - EST | kallesignal | avstand | sist hørt - EST | |||
SEA-X | 75.8 yards 168° | 2025-01-24 17:22:33 | OUT OF THE BLUE | 92.5 yards 170° | 2025-01-28 15:27:41 | |||
FIRE STORM | 165.6 yards 306° | 2025-02-04 01:53:21 | LONG WAY HOME | 170.4 yards 290° | 2025-02-08 00:16:46 | |||
JUSTATUG | 177.7 yards 331° | 2025-02-04 10:05:43 | 184.0 yards 276° | 2025-01-22 23:10:51 | ||||
DELTA MARINE | 200.7 yards 171° | 2025-01-21 14:26:43 | SEA SPIRIT | 200.7 yards 171° | 2025-01-11 17:27:25 | |||
ALL GOOD DAYS | 201.1 yards 170° | 2025-01-22 16:45:28 | SKIPJACK | 224.2 yards 333° | 2025-02-08 00:25:53 | |||
THE DARKSIDE | 231.0 yards 339° | 2025-02-07 16:28:47 | NIKAWA | 245.9 yards 344° | 2025-01-25 18:47:30 | |||
KRISTAN CELESTE@@@@@ | 252.7 yards 172° | 2025-01-28 16:52:33 | DEMELZA II | 279.9 yards 350° | 2025-01-14 12:50:36 | |||
CHEERS | 281.7 yards 343° | 2025-01-13 16:40:41 | CAROLINE | 284.0 yards 346° | 2025-01-29 17:39:15 | |||
COPPER COIN | 285.6 yards 345° | 2025-02-08 00:18:22 | AMIGO | 304.7 yards 172° | 2025-01-18 20:08:00 | |||
ZEEPAARD | 307.5 yards 349° | 2025-02-08 00:18:22 | PACIFIC REFUGE | 307.6 yards 171° | 2025-02-07 20:32:26 |