Callsign: | MKXU3 |
MMSI-nummer: | 232018618 |
Navigasjonsstatus: | Under way (engine) (0) |
Fartøytype: | Diving operations (34) |
Destinasjon: | CHANNEL_SWIMMER (ETA Sep08 20:00) |
Sted: | 51°07.07' N 1°19.07' E - lokator JO01PC88DH - vis på kart 1.3 miles sydøst peiling 144° fra Dover, Kent, England, United Kingdom [?] 6.1 miles sydøst peiling 142° fra Shepherdswell, Kent, England, United Kingdom 66.7 miles sydøst peiling 114° fra City of London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom 67.9 miles sydøst peiling 113° fra London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom |
Siste posisjon: | 2025-02-01 10:44:02 EST (11h23m siden) 2025-02-01 15:44:02 GMT lokaltid i/på Dover, United Kingdom [?] |
Kurs: | 000.0° |
Hastighet: | 0 MPH |
Dimensjoner: | lengde 14 m bredde 4 m dypgående 1.2 m |
Siste rute: | MKXU3>ais via G8WLY |
Posisjoner lagret: | 4564 |
kallesignal | avstand | sist hørt - EST | kallesignal | avstand | sist hørt - EST | |||
OBERON | 16.2 yards 17° | 2025-01-21 07:31:45 | THE BLACK CAT | 30.6 yards 26° | 2025-01-26 04:49:31 | |||
LOUISE JANE II | 61.2 yards 36° | 2025-02-01 11:33:46 | PATHFINDER | 61.6 yards 20° | 2025-01-30 05:52:52 | |||
BECKYS CHOICE | 75.3 yards 85° | 2025-02-01 22:03:41 | DIANA | 84.9 yards 116° | 2025-01-08 08:51:38 | |||
SAGAMORE | 92.8 yards 288° | 2025-01-27 11:13:42 | DOVORIAN | 95.0 yards 105° | 2025-02-01 11:07:14 | |||
WELLY BOAT | 99.6 yards 346° | 2025-01-23 07:01:56 | SMIT STOUR | 128.1 yards 330° | 2025-02-01 22:04:41 | |||
SMIT ROTHER | 129.3 yards 328° | 2025-02-01 22:05:41 | RNLI LIFEBOAT 17-09 | 144.2 yards 95° | 2025-01-31 08:12:49 | |||
ARTEMIS | 168.5 yards 311° | 2025-02-01 09:36:34 | SEA JADE | 170.3 yards 295° | 2025-02-01 15:10:05 | |||
SILVER ROSE | 171.9 yards 289° | 2025-02-01 10:02:18 | IMPRESSIONIST | 188.0 yards 315° | 2025-01-25 08:09:22 | |||
INVICTA | 208.3 yards 291° | 2025-02-01 10:56:02 | LONGROSE | 223.1 yards 107° | 2025-02-01 22:05:41 | |||
RUMBAR SOLO SAILOR | 256.8 yards 301° | 2025-01-05 06:15:25 | WETWHEELS SOUTH EAST | 263.0 yards 297° | 2025-02-01 22:00:57 |