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Stasjoner nær nåværende posisjon for SWAY
kallesignal avstand sist hørt - EST      kallesignal avstand sist hørt - EST
COOL CHANGE47.4 yards 1°2025-02-03 08:09:16 NOA49.9 yards 26°2025-01-04 23:55:00
RHYTHMIC60.6 yards 315°2025-02-03 08:08:44 WATERLOO SUNSET105.4 yards 83°2025-02-03 08:10:20
OPTIMIST130.6 yards 66°2025-02-03 08:01:17 C'EST LA VIE154.9 yards 325°2025-01-27 05:47:15
PASODOBLE169.6 yards 51°2025-01-30 22:51:10 LA JONQUILLE179.2 yards 88°2025-01-05 20:49:44
EPIC179.2 yards 141°2025-01-26 19:08:31 SLOW RUSH187.1 yards 43°2025-02-03 07:14:22
VELELLA192.9 yards 355°2025-01-19 01:36:14 WALKABOUT194.9 yards 109°2025-02-03 08:08:44
SV NOW OR NEVER197.5 yards 123°2025-01-29 01:59:15 WESTWIND200.3 yards 73°2025-01-26 22:27:24
BANDASNATCH202.0 yards 87°2025-01-05 00:23:28 SANTE203.6 yards 345°2025-02-01 22:32:21
BEYOND THE BLUE II204.5 yards 101°2025-02-02 00:57:55 MELTEMI207.0 yards 331°2025-02-03 01:47:37
LAURENA210.5 yards 338°2025-02-03 08:10:52 ST BRENDAN212.0 yards 10°2025-02-03 08:07:41
MYSTIC 2214.1 yards 337°2025-02-01 11:14:57 TIME OUT217.0 yards 334°2025-02-02 21:00:15
RUAKH221.1 yards 47°2025-02-03 08:09:48 ARGYLE222.1 yards 91°2025-01-27 08:28:55
CENTURION235.6 yards 130°2025-01-24 01:41:48 FANTASEA II236.1 yards 28°2025-02-03 06:40:20
503007510242.1 yards 354°2025-01-21 20:45:39 JESSABBE242.5 yards 349°2025-02-03 08:09:48
DUNDEE248.7 yards 86°2025-01-15 20:57:43 C'EST LA VIE253.9 yards 86°2025-02-03 08:05:33
A42255.9 yards 27°2025-01-27 01:09:41 LIVING-THE-DREAM260.6 yards 106°2025-01-08 05:06:39
SEA SHUTTLE262.1 yards 85°2025-02-03 08:08:44 KA NANI263.7 yards 106°2025-02-03 00:20:33
INCEPTION265.3 yards 109°2025-02-03 07:56:29 ASTRID THE WOMBAT266.9 yards 28°2025-01-29 22:31:22
OASIS271.1 yards 332°2025-02-01 22:44:06 ILLUSION275.8 yards 105°2025-02-03 08:09:48
JUBILATION276.4 yards 109°2025-02-03 08:09:48 MAD JACK278.8 yards 109°2025-01-28 21:04:20
EVOLUTION279.1 yards 109°2025-02-03 08:08:44 SV ELYSIAN280.1 yards 337°2025-01-04 23:19:29
OBSESSION283.2 yards 94°2025-02-03 08:06:37 MIMOSA284.8 yards 12°2025-01-29 21:04:36
GITANA288.8 yards 130°2025-02-03 08:08:44 COOPERS291.5 yards 70°2025-01-27 00:40:47
SWEETEST TABOO292.2 yards 129°2025-02-02 08:10:56 CRUSOE293.0 yards 75°2025-01-31 21:49:09
KOORINGAL293.8 yards 96°2025-01-20 17:16:15 DRAKE'S PRAYER294.4 yards 91°2025-01-26 02:20:35
ANDARA294.5 yards 71°2025-01-26 18:20:28 SANTANA I295.4 yards 33°2025-02-03 06:34:26
STILL KNOT AVAILABLE295.5 yards 91°2025-01-31 20:25:08 IDLE MOMENTS301.3 yards 125°2025-02-03 03:36:09
CONCERTO 2302.5 yards 347°2025-01-27 04:55:13 JESTER303.3 yards 110°2025-02-03 08:06:05
INTRIGUE 2304.2 yards 91°2025-01-28 05:49:13 PERFECTION304.9 yards 98°2025-02-03 08:09:48
THOMAS RICHMOND306.6 yards 3°2025-01-23 19:20:25 CELEBRATION308.0 yards 108°2025-02-02 02:07:58
ISLAND GIRL310.8 yards 8°2025-01-27 05:32:24 KE ALOHA PAU'OLE311.4 yards 28°2025-01-08 01:26:33
NORTHERN TREK311.9 yards 77°2025-02-03 08:09:16 INTERLOPER313.3 yards 79°2025-02-03 08:09:48
LICENSE TO CHILL313.7 yards 34°2025-01-26 22:47:17 WANDA N KITTY314.0 yards 22°2025-01-10 04:08:06
WORALIE314.7 yards 84°2025-01-27 00:16:36 VALHUSA314.7 yards 35°2025-01-25 18:09:09
MAGIQUE319.2 yards 348°2025-02-01 19:18:04 KEA LANI320.0 yards 94°2025-01-06 19:48:55
MITI ARII320.8 yards 30°2025-02-03 08:05:33 FRENCH AFFAIR324.7 yards 95°2025-02-03 06:17:21
RECHERCHE326.1 yards 83°2025-02-01 10:14:09 SATISFACTION328.6 yards 110°2025-01-31 02:39:49
WILDLIFE331.4 yards 340°2025-01-21 21:59:49 HERMIONE333.0 yards 21°2025-02-02 14:14:41
TEQUILA MOCKINGBIRD334.1 yards 21°2025-02-01 21:22:54 S/V Y KNOT340.2 yards 10°2025-02-03 08:09:48
DOLPHIN342.7 yards 342°2025-02-03 06:16:49 LISDILLON344.5 yards 67°2025-01-29 00:40:44
SLIGHTLY UNSTABLE345.4 yards 85°2025-01-31 00:10:56 FAR BEYOND349.3 yards 346°2025-01-20 22:08:36
KONAKAI352.2 yards 84°2025-02-03 08:09:16 SUITE 1353.6 yards 22°2025-02-03 06:30:42
MADELEINE ROSE358.0 yards 91°2025-01-27 08:07:15 STELLA AUSTRALIS360.5 yards 30°2025-01-23 03:38:52
BAY DOLPHIN362.4 yards 85°2025-01-17 00:14:16 TEMPTATION362.8 yards 112°2025-02-03 08:08:44
NKWAZI363.0 yards 23°2025-02-03 06:11:29 PERRCATO363.5 yards 45°2025-02-02 22:50:09
DEEP CHILL365.9 yards 31°2025-01-31 18:49:46 AZZURRA366.9 yards 75°2025-01-29 23:38:52
CELEBRATION369.5 yards 103°2025-02-02 22:04:16 ELLIE371.8 yards 28°2025-02-01 06:14:21
ANTARES372.7 yards 47°2025-01-16 22:20:34 AWOL375.6 yards 93°2025-01-28 00:19:42
RAUCOUS BEHAVIOUR376.8 yards 93°2025-02-03 08:09:48 PURRFECT379.2 yards 359°2025-01-26 03:13:04
C STAR380.1 yards 28°2025-01-26 20:33:37 SOUTHERN EXPOSURE381.2 yards 58°2025-01-22 01:04:38
Om dette nettstedet
Denne siden viser sanntidsinformasjon fra APRS-IS-nettet. APRS står for Automatic Position Reporting System og brukes av radioamatører til å overføre sanntids posisjonsrapporter, værdata, telemetri og meldinger over radio. APRS-IS står for APRS Internet Service. Et kjøretøy utstyrt med GPS-mottaker, VHF-sender eller HF- transceiver og en liten dataenhet som kalles tracker, sender sin posisjon, hastighet og kurs i en liten datapakke. Denne blir mottatt av en nærliggende mottakerstasjon (iGate) som sender pakkene videre over Internett. Systemer tilknyttet Internett kan sende informasjon over APRS-IS uten radiosender, eller samle og vise informasjon sendt fra hvor som helst i verden.
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